Why I'm Putting on the NEW

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This place has my heart.

It was my stomping ground as a little girl and has been my kids' favorite place for years. They've danced among the NC dunes, darted between sandcastles and the rising tide and dangled countless lines of chicken backs from piers, hoping to allure blue crabs to shimmy up their trap. Family ties have grown deeper here - both for my kids and me.

Last night I ventured to these familiar parts in my mind. Such endearing memories came flooding back to me. Over the last 10 years, those sunny days have seemed so full, overflowing with work deadlines, bills to pay, mouths to feed and loads of laundry to tackle. The tyranny of the urgent taking over the joy of the present, even in such a lovely place.

I'm realizing those "urgent" items aren't as vital as they sometimes feel. So, these days I'm putting on something new: I'm trading shouldering those demands for a simpler, more joyful life. I'm on a mission to absolve the urgent and focus on the "important". What does that mean? Today it means splashing in the pool with my boy and drinking umbrella cokes with my girl. I'm saying "no" to perfection and "yes " to the messy, salty moments. While the essentials still need to happen, I'm adopting new ways to accomplish the "must-do's" so I can focus on the sweet moments.

Girl, let's start this journey together. Summer is for the new! Raise your umbrella drink! Cheers to all the joy that lies ahead! - KPG


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